Baptism Audio

The Lord’s Supper Audio



This statement of faith includes both baptism and the Lord’s Supper because these are the only two ordinances observed by Independence Baptist Church. Both of these ordinances are explicitly linked to the doctrine of the local church, and cannot be separated, observed or practiced apart from the authority of each local church.


A. Bible baptism is always in water and not sprinkling, pouring, or anything else that does not completely cover or bury the person being baptized.

B. Dictionaries may give the definition of baptism as sprinkling, pouring, etc., but we must remember that the dictionary gives the definition of words only as they are being used at the time of printing. It would be well to remember the words of C. D. Cole concerning the definitions of Bible words.

“In getting at the true meaning of Bible words, we must remember that human dictionaries do not determine, but merely register the meaning of words according to their current usage. This explains why Webster and others define baptism as the act of dipping-pouring, or sprinkling. These men did not profess to be theologians, and their definitions merely reflect the opinions of recognized theologians whose opinions differ. It was observed that some denominations dip or immerse and call their act baptism, while others poured or sprinkled and called their act baptism, and so baptism is defined as being any one of these acts. Bible doctrines cannot be settle by the human dictionaries. We must get our definitions of Bible words from the Bible itself.”

C. Acts 8:36-39.

1. Philip tells the Eunuch that a person must be a believer or saved before they can be scripturally baptized. “If thou believest with all thy heart thou mayest.”

2. Philip and the Eunuch both went down into the water and the Eunuch was immersed or buried in (not by) the water.

D. Sprinkling and pouring as an act of baptism was not used or known of until later. This cannot be Bible baptism. God recognizes only that which meets the Bible way of baptism.

E. One example will have to do for now, but further study will reveal the same truth. Notice what we find in Mark 1:4-5.

1. “John did baptize in the wilderness.”

a. John did not pour or sprinkle people with the wilderness but he was baptizing them in the Jordan River at a place located in the wilderness.

b. Verse 5 states they were baptized (immersed) in the River of Jordan and not by or with the river. There was a complete burial in the water.

F. Other scriptures that teach this to be true are:

1. Matthew 3:5-6 – This passage explains that John the Baptist baptized in the river Jordan, but with the River Jordan.

2. John 3:22-23 – John used much water to baptize, because he immersed believers.

3. John 4:1-2 – Jesus taught his disciples to baptize as John baptized – with much water, only believers for the correct purpose and with proper authority.

4. Matthew 28:19 – Christ gave his church his great commission, explaining they should continue to immerse.

5. Mark 16:16 – The true believer is baptized by immersion, because that is what baptism is.

6. Acts 2:38 – On the Day of Pentecost, Peter explained that believers should be baptized (immersed), become a member of that local church, so they can receive the Holy Ghost.

7. Acts 8:12 – When the believers at Samaria believed the word preached by Philip, they were baptized (immersed).

8. Acts 16:32-34 – The Philippian jailer and his household was baptized (immersed) after they were saved.

9. Acts 18:8 – Crispus and the other believers at Corinth were baptized (immersed) after they believed.


A. Matthew 28:19 – Baptist do it this way because Jesus said to do it this way.

1. There are those today who say that we are to baptize in the name of Jesus only, but it is better to do it God’s way than modern man’s.

2. People who debate the words to say when they baptize do not understand what the phrase “…in the name of…” means.

3. Those words mean authority.

4. There is no authority in using the words, “I baptize in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.”

5. When God is present, there is no debate about words.

B. What is said when people are baptized.

1. The Bible does not record that anybody ever baptized a believer and used the words “…baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost…”

2. The Bible states that people were baptized in the name of Jesus, which is referring to the authority given to men by God Almighty.

a. Acts 2:38 – “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”

b. Acts 8:16 – “(For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.)”

c. Acts 10:48 – “And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then prayed they him to tarry certain days.”

d. Acts 19:5 – “When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.”

e. Acts 22:16 – “And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord.”

3. The speech said at the time of baptizing is not necessarily important.

a. It is more important that God be there.

b. It is good to always say we are baptizing in the authority of God, so people will understand we are not baptizing in our own authority.

c. I always say I am baptizing in the name (authority) of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, so there will be no misunderstanding.

C. Other scriptures that teach this to be true are:

1. Gal. 3:27-28 – “For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”

2. This passage is speaking about the authority of Christ, which is the authority of God Almighty.


A. Our baptism after being saved is a picture of what we believe Jesus has done for us in His death, burial, and resurrection.

B. Romans 6:4-6 states, “Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. 5 For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection: 6 Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.”

1. Paul tells us that our baptism pictures our death to sin and Christ’s death for our sins.

2. Our burial in water pictures Jesus’ burial in the tomb for our sins.

3. Our being raised from the watery grave pictures the resurrection of Jesus from the grave for our sins.

4. When we are raised up out of the waters of baptism we profess to those who observe that we have died to sin and now are raised up with Jesus to walk in the way of new life of righteousness.

C. Other scriptures that teach this to be true are:

1. Colossians 2:12 – “Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.”

2. I Peter 3:20-21 – “Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.”

3. Acts 22:16 – “And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord.”

The following is an outline of Scriptural Baptism as held by Independence Baptist Church

Scriptural Baptism

Matt. 3:13,16,17 … I Cor. 11:2 – …Keep the ordinances, as I delivered them unto you.

Is scriptural baptism important? Yes

Christ walked some 60 miles to be baptized.

The Holy Spirit attended the service.

God the Father voiced His approval of the service.

What is necessary for scriptural baptism?

Scriptural Subject.

The person must already be saved.


Matt. 28:19 – Making disciples comes before baptism.

Acts 2:41 – They received the word, and then were baptized.

Acts 8:12,36,37 – They believed the word, and then were baptized.

Acts 10:43,44,47 – They believed, received the Holy Ghost, and then were baptized.

Acts 16 – the Philippian jailer asked, “What must I do to be saved?” The answer, “…Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…”

Heb. 10:4 – If the blood of bulls and goats can’t take away sin, how can water take sins away?

Scriptural Method.

Immersion in water only.

Matt. 3:16,17 – Jesus was immersed.

John 3:23 – John needed “much water”.

Acts 8: – The Eunuch and Philip went down into the water for proper baptism.

Romans 6 – Baptism pictures a burial, and this takes immersion.

Baptize is an English transliterated from the Greek word “baptizo” which means to dip as in dying cloth.

Scriptural Administrator.

It takes authority to do a lot of things.

Make money. (Only the government can legally do this.)

Practice medicine.

Take money out of my checking account.

The trail of authority for baptism.

John 1:6 – There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. John the Baptist got his authority from God.

Acts 1:21,22 – John baptized Jesus and all of his disciples (apostles).

John 4:1,2 – Jesus didn’t baptize anybody, but taught His disciples to baptize. (His disciples were the first church.)

Acts 2:41 – Day of Pentecost – 3,000 saved and added to the church by baptism.

Acts 10:47 – Before Peter baptized the household of Cornelius, permission was granted from those present.

Scriptural Purpose.

Scriptural Baptism pleases the Lord.

Matt. 3:17 – When Christ was baptized, God said, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

III John 4 – “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth”. It is important to be a soul winner, but the greatest joy is not in soul winning but in seeing the saved walk after Christ.

Matt. 28:18-20 – When the great commission is fulfilled, God is pleased. (Obedience)

Scriptural baptism proclaims the gospel.

I Peter 3:21 – “The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ”

Col. 2:12 – “Buried with him in baptism” Pictures and proclaims the gospel.

Rom. 6:4 – Pictures and proclaims we are dead to our old life of sin.

Matt. 28:19 – Pictures and proclaims our faith in the Holy Trinity.

Gal. 3:26,27 – Pictures and proclaims our putting on Christ.

Scriptural baptism protects the church.

From Protestant Denominationalism.

a. We will not accept infant baptism, because it is no baptism at all.

From interdenominationalism.

We will not accept baptism from any church, because it is not baptism at all.

Some churches accept infant baptism, pouring and immersion by accepting baptism from churches that do not know what true baptism is.

From the ecumenical one world church.

Because we won’t accept their baptism, we won’t accept them being a true church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

This action will keep true churches from joining Satan’s one world church.

The Lord’s Supper

(See my book The Lord’s Supperfor a complete study)


A. Baptism is the door into the church membership.

1. No one has the right to observe the Lord’s Supper without first being saved and then baptized into a New Testament Baptist Church.

2. The church is always a local organization; therefore the Lord’s Supper is always closed to the members of that particular body.

B. Acts 2:41-42 – “Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. 42 And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.”

1. They gladly received the gospel that the church preached.

2. They received baptism (immersion in water) after they believed.

3. They were added to the church through Baptist baptism.

4. They continue steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine (teaching) and fellowship.

5. They observed the Lord’s Supper only after baptism and joining that local church.

C. This is the way it is taught in Matthew 28:19-20, in the book of Acts, as well as the Epistles to the churches.

D. In I Corinthians 11:26, Paul wrote to the church at Corinth about how they were to observe the Lord’s Supper.

1. The Lord’s Supper shows by symbol the death of Jesus for our sins.

2. The Lord’s Supper is to be observed by local New Testament Baptist Churches until Jesus comes.

E. I Corinthians 11:17-34 – In these verses, Paul clears up many misunderstandings the Corinthian church had concerning the Lord’s Supper.

1. There must be the knowledge of our being saved and understanding that we are saved by the death of Christ and not by works in order to observe the Lord’s Supper.

2. There must be an honest looking to Jesus and not our own worthiness.

3. We must remember him in this memorial service called the Lord’s Supper.

4. Unleavened bread and wine are the only elements that can be used scripturally for the Lord’s Supper by a Baptist Church.

F. Other scriptures that teach this to be true are:

1. Matt. 26:26-29 – Mark 14:22-25 – Luke 22:14-20 – These are companion scriptures that instruct us how Christ gave the Lord’s Supper to the early church.

2. I Corinthians 5:1-8 – Paul instructs the church at Corinth to disciple the member with public sins before they take the Lord’s Supper.

3. I Corinthians 10:3-32 – This passage can be applied to the attitude of church members when they come together to take the Lord’s Supper.

4. John 6:26-71 – This passage instructs God’s church to preach everything the Bible says.

a. Some, or many, might go away.

b. Let them go away, but we do not encourage them to go away.

c. If they go away, it is because they do not understand what Christ is saying.

V. The nature of the Lord’s Supper.

A. It is not a sacrament, which is a visible sign or action instituted by Christ to give grace. There are seven sacraments ordained by Catholics, which cause a person to receive the grace of God for eternal life. ..\..\Sacraments\Seven Sacraments.doc as taught by Pope John II.

1. Baptism – Catholics state that baptism is the first of many steps that lead to eternal life.

2. Confirmation – This is when Catholics receive the Holy Spirit of God, as on the Day of Pentecost.

3. Penance/Confession – When sin is confessed to the “church” or the priest who acts on behalf of the church, that sin is forgiven.

4. Holy Communion – This is Eucharist. The false doctrine of transubstantiation (the wine is turned into the actual blood of Christ and the wafer is turned into the actual body of Christ) is taught.

5. Matrimony – The family is the core of all societies, even of the Kingdom of God.

6. Holy Orders – Ordaining to the priesthood. Only those unmarried can be ordained, or those married who converted to Catholicism after they were married.

7. Anointing of the sick, or Extreme Unction – Trusting in Christ for our everyday health. Extreme Unction is administered to the dying.

B. It is a symbolic ordinance, as baptism is a symbolic ordinance.

C. The elements of the Lord’s Supper were present at the Passover meal partaken of by Christ.

The Elements Of The Lord’s Supper

I. Ingredients used in the Lord’s Supper are the same as used in the Passover.

A. Ex. 12:7-11 – The lamb in the Passover represents Christ. Unleavened bread in the Passover represents the sinlessness of Christ and the sincerity of heart in which we should partake of the Lord’s Supper. The Bible makes no mention of a beverage used in the Passover.

1. In the New Testament, the lamb was apparently served in a soup like mixture called “sop”. This is what Jesus gave Judas as a sign of his betrayal. Matt. 26:20-25. John 13:26-30.

2. We don’t use a lamb today because the symbolism of the Old Testament lamb was fulfilled when Christ became the lamb of the New Testament for us.

a. The Jews were looking forward to a lamb to come, therefore, the laws concerning animal sacrifices was still in effect.

b. Today, we look back to what Christ did for us; therefore, no animal sacrifice is needed.

3. We don’t believe in transubstantiation (the bread actually becoming the body of Christ).

B. Unleavened bread was used in the Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread. This is the kind of bread used in the first Passover and in the Passover when Christ instituted the Lord’s Supper.

1. Ex. 12:15 – Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread.

2. Ex. 23:18 – Thou shall not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leavened bread.

3. Ex. 34:18 – The feast of unleavened bread shall thou keep.

4. Deut. 16:1-4 – No leavened bread at Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread.

5. I Cor. 11:24 – Unleavened bread represents the body of Christ which had no sin in it.

II. Leaven is always a type of sin.

A. Scriptures showing leaven is always a type of sin.

1. Matt. 13:33 – The woman hiding leaven in three measures of meal.

a. The leaven is not the gospel that is hid in the three measures of meal.

b. The woman compares to the harlot of Rev. 17:1.

c. II Cor. 4:3, the gospel is not hid except it is “hid” to those that are lost.

d. The kingdom of God will not completely fill the earth in purity, even though modernists may teach so.

e. This parable is an explanation of the way Satan’s false gospel will fill the earth and seem to take over the Kingdom of God. This is very obvious in today’s world.

f. The devil hides his leaven (sin). God proclaims his gospel to the entire world. Compare with Luke 12:1,2 (next part of outline).

2. Luke 12:1,2 – Leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. (It’s hidden.)

3. I Cor. 5:6-8 – A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. Speaking about how a little sin not taken care of grows because someone else decides they can also sin, and then somebody else decides they also can sin and then somebody else…

4. Gal. 5:9 – A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.

5. Crackers or light bread should not be used to take the Lord’s Supper because they contain leaven, which is a type of sin.

B. Unleavened bread emphasizes the need of purging the church.

1. There is a need for each individual church member to examine their own lives for sin they have hidden from themselves.

a. This sin must be recognized, asked forgiveness of, and forsaken.

b. If the individual takes the Supper without cleansing itself of these sins, God will judge that church member.

c. God could make them sick, or take their life.

2. There is also necessary of the church to examine the individual church members for evidence of public sins.

a. If these sins are found, the church ought to discipline those members before the Lord’s Supper is taken.

b. If the church takes the Supper without cleansing itself of public sins, God will judge the individual church members, making some of them sick, and taking the lives of others.

III. Unleavened Wheat bread – not potato bread, or pumpkin bread.

A. Wheat mentioned as a grain.

1. Luke 16:7 – Owing a hundred measures of wheat.

2. Luke 22:31 – Satan desired to sift Peter as wheat.

3. Acts 27:38 – Cast the wheat into the sea.

4. I Cor. 15:37 – Sowest not body, chance of wheat or other grain.

5. Rev. 6:6 – Measure of wheat for a penny.

6. Rev. 18:13 – oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts.

B. Wheat mentioned as representing saved people.

1. Matt. 3:12 – Gather his wheat in the garner. (John declares the wheat to represent saved people and the chaff representing lost people.)

2. Matt. 13:24-30 – Parable of wheat and tares. The explanation in Matt. 13:36-43 very plainly declares wheat to represent saved people and tares to represent lost people.

C. Wheat mentioned as representing Christ – John 12:24 – “except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die”. The context certainly shows us that Christ is talking about himself and his soon coming death, burial, and resurrection.

IV. Conclusion – The proper use of these symbols in taking the Lord’s Supper is very important; therefore, we should never forget the Christ the symbols are pointing to.

A. The Old Testament saints had annual symbols to teach them to remember what Christ had done for them and to teach their children those things they had never seen.

B. Num. 21:4-9 – The brazen serpent raised by Moses – “Look and live”.

1. II Kings 18:4 – King Hezekiah destroyed the brazen serpent because people got to worshipping it instead of remembering what it stood for.

2. John 3:14,15 – Jesus Christ put the brazed serpent in the proper perspective.

C. Unleavened bread never spoils.

1. Christ’s body never spoils.

2. After you make unleavened bread, put it in a covered dish {sealed, to keep out dust and bugs}.

3. It will never go bad.

4. We’ve kept some as long as two years.

Unleavened Fermented Grape Wine

An excellent article on by Carl Wieland of Answers in Genesis on the proper use of wine is here

I. Fruit of the vine – Used three times in the New Testament.

A. Matt. 26:29 – Taking “fruit of the vine” at Lord’s Supper.  “But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”

B. Mark 14:25 – Taking “fruit of the vine” at Lord’s Supper. “Verily I say unto you, I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine, until that day that I drink it new in the kingdom of God.”

C. Luke 22:18 – Taking “fruit of the vine” at Lord’s Supper. “For I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God shall come.”

II. New Testament scriptures are very conclusive at arriving at the use of wine or grape juice in the Supper.

A. The meaning of the term “fruit of the vine” has been slowly changed down through the years.  When the Bible was written there was no doubt that the term “fruit of the vine” meant wine.  The term never meant grape juice.  But since men are so against alcohol, their minds are blinded to any good use of wine.

B. Other words have also had their meaning changed down through the years:  One example is the word “church,” which in the Bible means assembly, but today, many people believe a church is invisible or visible universal.  We know from Bible study that a church is always an assembly, and always local.

C. Anybody that studies the Bible for the truth, not being influenced by modern definitions will clearly see that God’s people have used wine for many years, and for many different purposes.  Wine was a symbol of the blood of Christ in the Old Testament, and that symbol remains the same today.  God hasn’t changed – men have changed.  And they are trying to change the Word of God.

D. The same people who believe the KJV is the Word of God and reject the NIV and other modern translations do not believe what the Bible (KJV) has to say. Instead they make their own private interpretations when they should be letting the Bible (KJV) reveal the mind of God.  There is not too much difference in the person who uses an NIV and the person who makes his own private interpretations of the Bible.

E. I think (this, then is my personal opinion) there is a reason the New Testament scriptures use the term “fruit of the vine” instead of using the word “wine.”

1. God knew there would be a controversy one day concerning fermented wine or grape juice.

2. Rom. 14:21, the controversy would develop because of conscience.

3. Rom. 14:21 is speaking specifically about eating meat offered to an idol and drinking fermented wine which was first offered to an idol, then served at a regular meal. It is not talking about taking the Lord’s Supper, for the Supper is not taken with infidels.

4. God knew that some would be so convinced against drinking fermented wine as a beverage they would go to the extreme of forbidding fermented wine (unleavened) at the Lord’s Supper.

5. Therefore, I believe (and this doesn’t mean that God thinks or acts like I do) God accepts their using grape juice because they are either ignorant of the truth, or their conscience is smitten because of the excesses of fermented wine and distilled liquors as a beverage.

6. I must also state that those that know fermented grape wine is the proper beverage for the liquid element of the Lord’s Supper and refuse to submit themselves to the leadership of the Holy Spirit (because of pressure of church, fellowship, family, or whatever) will be judged accordingly.

a. In II Chronicles 30:17-19, Hezekiah prayed that the people be accepted when they took the Passover without being cleansed according to the directions of the law.

b. They were accepted because their hearts were right.

c. Today, people can be accepted because their hearts are right, not necessarily because everything is done perfectly.

7. It must also be noted that the church covenant (written and supported by almost all Baptist) declares: “…to abstain from the sale and use of intoxicating drinks as a beverage…” not to abstain from fermented wine (unleavened) in the Lord’s Supper. (See my article on the church covenant, “abstaining from the sale and use of intoxicating drinks as a beverage”)  This shows that those Baptists who wrote and accepted the church covenant had no qualms about using fermented wine (unleavened) in the Lord’s Supper, but they were opposed to the sale and use of any intoxicating beverage.

F. Old Testament Scriptures.

1. A very through study of the elements of the Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread is necessary.

2. This study will show us that Christ used fermented wine (unleavened) in the Passover and the institution of His Supper.

G. There is a need to distinguish between fermented wine (unleavened) and what some call wine.

1. I have heard some preachers say they believed in wine for the Lord’s Supper when they really believed in grape juice.

2. These preachers are being deceptive in their language.

3. They are trying to change the definition of wine to mean grape juice, and in some circles are accomplishing this feat.

4. When the Bible talks about wine, it means fermented wine (unleavened), not grape juice.

III. The symbolism of the supper demands fermented wine (unleavened).

A. Christ used fermented wine (unleavened) in the institution of the supper.

B. A very quick check of when the Lord instituted the Supper reveals that He and His apostles were partaking of the Passover.

C. Wine, the lamb, and unleavened bread was the food served at Passover.

IV. Wine shows Christ and His pureness – wine is a type of the blood of Christ.

A. Rev. 17:6 – Woman drunk on blood of martyrs and saints – you don’t get drunk on grape juice.

B. Jeremiah 51:7 – Babylon, which is a type of the woman to come, makes all nations drink of her wine – the blood of martyrs and saints.

C. Is. 55:1 – Salvation referred to as wine – This is why the whore got drunk, trying to destroy the pureness of God’s people.

D. Gen. 14:18 – Melchizedek (a type of Christ) brought forth bread and wine.

E. John 2:1-11 – Jesus turning water into wine. Christ apparently approved of drinking at the wedding, but never approved of getting drunk.

a. Some say that the wine Jesus made wasn’t intoxicating wine.

b. But in verse 10, the governor of the feast asked the bridegroom why he had given the guests the best wine when they were well drunk.

c. Strong’s Concordance gives the definition of the word “drunk” as “to drink to intoxication, get drunk, drink well, and make drunk.

d. One dear brother told me the Corinthians weren’t getting drunk, they were getting full.

e. The exact same Greek word is used in Rev. 17:2 which speaks of the inhabitants of the earth being drunk with the wine of Pagan Babylon’s fornication.

f. Rev. 18:3 also uses exactly the same Greek word to describe the drunkenness of the Pagan Babylon.

F. Matt. 11:19 – Jesus called a winebibber – John didn’t drink wine, but apparently Christ did, at least people thought he did.

1. It wasn’t a sin for Christ to drink wine, I personally believe Christ did drink wine, but He never got drunk.

2. It must be remembered that the enemies of Christ said Christ was a winebibber (drunk).

3. They told a lie and the Bible recorded that lie.

4. This passage was not intended to teach anything about wine, but about the incontinence of men; their being unsatisfied with whatever God did.

V. Grape juice is a symbol of lost people’s blood.

A. Rev. 14:17-20 – Grapes of earth are reaped – blood comes out.

B. Is. 63:1-4 – Christ treading winepress alone – blood on garments.

C. Rev. 19:11-14 – Christ comes in a vesture dipped in blood. The saint’s garments are not stained at all.

Open, Close, or Closed Lord’s Supper?

An excellent on “Closed Lord’s Supper” by Cecil Fayard is located here

I. Closed Lord’s Supper.

A. Open communion – the practice whereby anyone who claims to be saved is allowed to observe communion.

1. People who believe this doctrine usually believe in the universal, invisible church theory.

2. They primarily believe that everybody that is saved is a member of the universal, invisible church.

a. There is really no need of a local church because the saved are able to worship anywhere.

b. Some even go so far as to believe that the local church hinders their Christian development, and they are better off without a local church.

3. This is principally a “Protestant” doctrine.

B. Close communion – the practice whereby anyone who claims to be saved, and a member of the same church denomination is allowed to take the Lord’s Supper.

1. In a Baptist church all Baptists would be allowed to take the Supper, but not the members of another denomination.

2. In a Methodist church all Methodists would be allowed to take the Supper, but not the members of another denomination.

3. In a Catholic church all Catholics would be allowed to take the Supper, but not the members of another denomination.

C. Closed communion – the practice whereby only those who claim to be saved, scripturally baptized and a member of that particular local church are allowed to take the Lord’s Supper.

D. It must be noted that “close” and “open” communion didn’t originate with the Bible or with God’s people, but with those people who weren’t allowed to take the Lord’s Supper with local churches.

1. They didn’t understand why they couldn’t take the Supper, even though they were told.

2. They simply believed local churches were being excessively exclusive.

3. When they saw the local churches wouldn’t allow them to take the Supper, they went their own way and started observing the Supper their way.

4. They had already started their own churches, so this wasn’t a big step for them.

II. Christ instituted closed communion.

A. Matt. 26:17-20 – Jesus ate the Passover (gave the Lord’s Supper) to disciples (the twelve). He didn’t invite his mother, brothers or sisters, or the man who owned the house.

B. Ex. 12:1-14 – Procedure to taking Passover and application to the Lord’s Supper.

1. The Israelites were unworthy to survive the plague of death, just as we are unworthy to survive eternal death in the lake of fire without the blood of Christ.

2. The belief in the promises of God concerning the blood of Christ. Verse 13 – Putting the blood on the doorpost is not what saved the people from destruction, but belief in the promises of God. The blood is a token (symbol) that the people believed.

3. Verse 12 and 29 – It was no death angel that passed over that night. It was the Lord Himself. This teaches us that we are not accountable to men or angels, only before God Himself. Lost people certainly need to see that they ought to bow the knee and confess before God their sinfulness and trust Jesus Christ to save them.

C. Ex. 12:43-49 – The Passover was “closed”, so is the Lord’s Supper.

1. This is a most sacred feast. The instructions for observing the Passover were given only to Israel. The instructions for observing the Lord’s Supper is given only to the Lord’s local churches.

2. No stranger (one who has not embraced God and the Jewish people as his own) is to partake of this feast until they are circumcised. Today this means that even though someone says they believe in God, we are not to allow them to take the Lord’s Supper with us until they join themselves to us through baptism.

a. Rom. 4:11 – Circumcision is a sign (not salvation) that a person has believed in God as his Saviour and has also joined himself to the people of God.

b. Rom. 6:1-5, I Peter 3:21 – Baptism is also a sign (not salvation) that a person has believed in God as his Saviour and is willing to join himself to the people of God (the local New Testament Baptist Church).

3. Eat the Passover in your own house. There were many homes that made up the nation of Israel. Each home was to take the Passover together. Today, there are many separate local New Testament Baptist Churches that make up the “eternal” body of Christ. (These local churches will be gathered together only in eternity.) Yet each local church is a complete body of Christ in itself. Each separate church is to take the Lord’s Supper by itself. Each home took care of itself, and each church takes care of herself.

a. The blood wasn’t put on one great big door, but on many small (regular size) doors. This means local homes in the entirety of Israel – local churches in the entirety of the church in eternity.

b. I Cor. 11:3 – The proper relationship between “head” and “man” and “woman”. This does not mean one great big man or one great big woman, but the language means “mankind” and “womankind”.

4. Verse 47 – All the congregation of Israel shall keep it.

a. All – every one of.

b. Congregation of Israel – a particular people, just like the church of Jesus Christ is a particular people.

c. Shall keep it – a command that is to be kept by the grace of God.

III. The scriptural order observed on Pentecost and thereafter leads to closed communion.

A. Acts 2:41,42 – The order of service is:

1. Salvation.

2. Baptism.

3. Added to the church.

4. Apostles’ doctrine and fellowship.

5. Lord’s Supper (breaking of bread).

6. Prayers.

IV. The interests of scriptural church discipline demand the practice of closed communion.

A. Romans 16:17 directs the churches to put a person out of their midst which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine they were taught.

1. If a church excludes such individuals they have done what God commanded them to do.

2. If a church practices open communion, that same excluded individual could attend church services and partake of the Lord’s Supper with them.

B. I Cor. 5:11 declare that a church should not eat the Lord’s Supper with any brother that is called a fornicator, covetous, an idolater, a railer, a drunkard, or an extortioner.

1. When a church excludes an individual for any of these offenses, they are doing God’s will.

2. If that same church then practices open communion, that excluded individual could come right back into the church services and observe the Lord’s Supper with them.

3. This practice makes a complete mockery of church discipline.

V. The Lord’s Supper is an ordinance of the local church, not a Christian ordinance.

A. There are two church ordinances, baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

1. The true New Testament Baptist does not accept any “baptism”.

2. The only baptism that is accepted is that administered by the proper church, to the proper person, for the proper motive, by the proper authority.

3. Anybody can “duck” someone under water, but that doesn’t constitute baptism.

4. One local church doesn’t baptize a person for another church.

5. Each church baptizes for herself.

6. Letters are issued from scriptural church to scriptural church, confirming the baptism of an individual.

B. The Lord’s Supper is an ordinance administered by the local church.

1. It is not a “Christian” ordinance, which is an ordinance administered by anyone who is saved.

2. Each church administers the Lord’s Supper to its own members.

3. One church does not administer the Lord’s Supper for another church, any more than one church baptizes for another church, any more than the vote of one church binds another church.

C. Local church members vote only in their own church.

1. Each local church takes care of its own business, without interference from other churches.

2. It is definitely wrong for visitors who are members of a sister church to vote in our business meetings, or for me to vote in the business meeting of any sister church.

a. They don’t have any business deciding for us what we ought to do.

b. I don’t have any business deciding what any other church ought to do.

c. The autonomy of the local church demands that each church serve the Lord the way He wants them to serve Him.

D. It is impossible to observe the Lord’s Supper by open communion, or close communion.

1. It is possible for the church to eat unleavened bread and drink fermented wine (unleavened) and call it the Lord’s Supper.

2. God would not call it His Supper, and He is the one that counts.