Frank and cyd James

Missionaries to Australia

Bro. Frank James started doing mission work in Papua New Guinea in 1993.  The James family lived in the Southern Highlands Province for five years before moving to the capital city of Port Moresby in 1998.  While in the Highlands, Bro. James encouraged and strengthened existing churches, held Bible courses for pastors, and went on trips in the bush or jungle to preach the Gospel in different villages.  He also completed an Articles of Faith and Church Covenant in the Melanesian Pidgin language.  Sis. Cyd James and their sons taught literacy, music, and tutored in other school subjects.

After moving to Port Moresby, the Lord opened the door for a new mission work to be established.  It was organized into a church in January 2004.  Brother Norman Malu was ordained to the gospel ministry and now serves as pastor.  The Lord blessed with the church being able to purchase property in the Gerehu subdivision of Port Moresby where a meeting-house and parsonage was built.  Bro. and Sis. James were also able to complete and print several more translation projects, including gospel tracts, Bible studies, hymns, “The Trail of Blood,” and a Commentary on the Book of Revelation. 

The church in Port Moresby continues to spread the Gospel within the city and has a mission point in Sogeri in Central Province.  They are also continuing to make various mission trips and to teach young pastors in the Highlands as they are able. 

At the end of 2009, Bro. and Sis. James moved to New South Wales, Australia.  They are presently working with Faith Missionary Baptist Church in Cobbitty.  Their burden is to see the gospel continue to go forth, sinners saved, the saints edified and built up in the faith, and the Lord glorified through His church. 

Gospel bulletins entitled, “Search the Scriptures,” are currently being distributed door to door throughout nearby communities.  Also Gospel articles are printed in local, weekly newspapers from time to time.

There is still an ongoing need of translation work for the brethren in Papua New Guinea that Bro. James works on as he can.  He also had the opportunity to attend a church conference in Port Moresby in December 2010 and was happy to report that all of the ministries there and in the Highlands continue to go forward.

STATEMENT OF FAITH:  Independent landmark Baptist, Doctrines of Grace, Missionary, Local Visible Church, Premillennial, Closed Communion, KJV, Genesis Account of Creation

“For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to who be glory for ever. Amen.” Romans 11:36

tom montgomery and family

missionaries to mexico

Sponsored by:

Covenant Baptist Church

P.O. Box 741

500 W. College

Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, 74013


Daniel Chamberlin, Pastor

cecil and denise fayard

port ministry on the gulf coast

Raised on the Gulf Coast, Cecil has been influenced by ships and sailors for as long as he remembers. His grandfather was a true Cajun and taught him much about the sea.

Bro. Cecil was a very faithful pastor, of several different Baptist churches for many years, when he heard God’s call to the mission field. He prayed and resigned his position as pastor to go unto the sailors and cargo ships that reach the Gulf Coast.

His love for and upbringing with sailors has given him a special heart for this ministry. He is based out of Duck Hill, Mississippi.

Port Ministry on the Gulf Coast
Support Address:
P. O. Box 362
Grenada, Mississippi 38901

Home Address:
5098 Loch Ness Circle
Ocean Springs, Mississippi 39564

Sponsored by:
Elliott Baptist Church
566 Nat G Troutt Rd.
    Elliott, Mississippi 38926
Pastor Larry Brinker