Here are a few links to other web sites of similar faith and practice.  Inclusion of these sites does not indicate full and complete agreement with every detail of faith and practice.  There are many variations of belief, but these variations will be minor.  We are living in the very last of the last days, a time when believers need to be united in fellowship.  This is not a time of compromise on any doctrine, but it is a time when all believers need to draw near to God, not only in doctrine, but also in love and fellowship toward God and each other.  If you see something in these sites you don’t agree with, pray about it: you might be wrong and they might be right.  God is, after all, our final judge. 

Pleasant Plains Baptist Church – Pleasant Plains, Illinois

Timothy Hille, Pastor



First Baptist Church – Harrison Ohio

Ronnie Wolfe, Pastor



Bryan Station Baptist Church – Lexington, Kentucky

Brent Spears, Pastor



Olmstead Baptist Church – Olmstead, Kentucky

Jim Duke, Pastor



Baptist History 

A Ministry of James Duvall



Baptist Online

A Ministry of Sovereign Grace Baptist Church of Texarkana, Texas



New Testament Baptist Church – Dover, Tennessee

Larry Lafferty, Pastor



Berea Baptist Church – Mantachie, Mississippi

Joseph Sidders, Pastor



Faith Baptist Church – Paducah, Kentucky

Harold Draper, Pastor



West Milton Baptist Church – West Milton, Ohio

Christopher Horn, Pastor



Grace Memorial Baptist Church – Bartlett, Tennessee

Doug Meadows, Pastor



Philadelphia Baptist Church – Decatur, Alabama

George Kelly Sr., Pastor
