Being True

Matthew 28:18-20


To carry out the Great Commission

This is the responsibility of this present generation, but it will also be the responsibility of the next generation.

What this church will be in 20 years is the responsibility of the next generation.


Stay true to:

1.      Salvation.

a.      Not the social gospel.

b.      Not sovereign grace

c.      Not whosoever will

d.      Another gospel (of Galatians 1)

e.      Faith and works is not salvation.

2.      Baptism.

a.      Complete immersion in water of a believer.

b.      Need a proper candidate, a proper administrator - the church and a proper purpose.

3.      Local church.

a.      Not local and universal.

b.      Catholic means universal.

c.      Baptist are not Catholic, nor are we universal.