Some Practical Observation of Godly Wisdom

Proverbs 6

The divisions of the chapter six are:

  1. Verse 1-5 – A caution against rash suretiship.

  2. Verse 6-11 – A rebuke of slothfulness.

  3. Verse 12-15 – The character and end of wicked people.

  4. Verse 16-19 – Seven things God hates.

  5. Verse 20-35 – Warnings against sexual sins.

  1. Verse 1-5 – My son, if thou be surety for thy friend, if thou hast stricken thy hand with a stranger, {2} Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth. {3} Do this now, my son, and deliver thyself, when thou art come into the hand of thy friend; go, humble thyself, and make sure thy friend. {4} Give not sleep to thine eyes, nor slumber to thine eyelids. {5} Deliver thyself as a roe from the hand of the hunter, and as a bird from the hand of the fowler.

    1. Definition of surety.

      1. to meddle, to be or take a pledge, to intermeddle, to mortgage, to occupy or undertake.

      2. The modern definition of surety is to co-sign, or be a consigner of a note for someone else.

        1. To be a co-signer means you are responsible for the loan.

        2. If the other person does not pay, you must pay.

        3. It is possible to become a surety without signing a paper stating you desire to become a surety.

          1. When good people do not understand they are enabling a person to not depend on themselves they are surety for them.

          2. When people are encouraged to tell their financial troubles because they know they will get financial help.

          3. When Christian people feel obligated to help financially to prove their spirituality.

          4. When people believe others ought to help them.

          5. When people continually accept financial help instead of doing without and making do and trusting God to supply for them.

      3. There are two different types of surety spoken of in verse one.

        1. The surety of a friend.

          1. A friend could be a family member.

          2. Or another person you know very well.

            1. Proverbs 22:26,27 - Be not thou one of them that strike hands, or of them that are sureties for debts. 27 If thou hast nothing to pay, why should he take away thy bed from under thee?

            2. Proverbs 17:18 - A man void of understanding striketh hands, and becometh surety in the presence of his friend.

        2. The surety of a stranger.

          1. This is likely a person who is not a believer.

            1. Proverbs 11:15 states, He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it: and he that hateth suretiship is sure.

            2. Proverbs 20:16 - Take his garment that is surety for a stranger: and take a pledge of him for a strange woman.

            3. Proverbs 27:13 - Take his garment that is surety for a stranger, and take a pledge of him for a strange woman.

          2. Examples of the obligations of suretiship.

            1. Judah.

              1. Genesis 43:9 – Judah, speaking to his father, becomes surety for Benjamin.

              2. Genesis 44:32,33 – Judah, speaking to Joseph in Egypt, told of his obligation of suretiship, which was accepted by Joseph, as repentance, therefore Joseph made himself known to his brothers.

            2. The apostle Paul.

              1. Philemon 1:18,19 states, If he hath wronged thee, or oweth thee ought, put that on mine account; 19 I Paul have written it with mine own hand, I will repay it: albeit I do not say to thee how thou owest unto me even thine own self besides.

              2. There is no record as to whether Philemon required Paul to pay for the loss of his servant, Onesimus.

            3. Jesus Christ.

              1. Hebrews 7:22 states, By so much was Jesus made a surety of a better testament.

              2. Jesus Christ has paid the debt we owed to God the Father, which we could not pay.

          3. The stranger could also be a person you do not know, but it is inconceivable to me any person would co-sign a note for a person they do not know.

      4. Seldom is suretiship a good thing.

        1. I understand it is sometimes necessary to co-sign a note for your children when they are first getting started, but every parent must be very careful doing this.

        2. It is very good if the parent controls the finances of their children at this point, because the child is still in the home of the parent.

        3. When children move out of the home, they are saying they are adult, responsible, and therefore should be responsible for their own finances.

    2. The dangers of “helping” financially.

      1. There is a difference between helping and enabling.

        1. It is one thing to give a person a hand-up, another thing when they are unable to turn loose.

        2. Even saved people get used to people helping them out of financial difficulties, therefore they expect continued financial help.

        3. It is much better to teach a person how to handle their finances than giving them money to get them out of a temporary bind.

          1. It is better to teach a person how to fish than to give a non-fisherman a fish.

          2. They will continually be in a financial bind, never able to get ahead, and never understanding why they are continually in financial trouble.

          3. It is more difficult to speak to a person about their fault, especially financial faults, than it is to teach them how to correct their error, but there is much more profit in the long run.

    3. It is no accident with me that I have not asked IBC to help people financially by taking money out of the church treasury.

      1. That is not what your tithes and offerings are for.

      2. I have very purposely asked only for voluntary contributions to financially help those in need.

      3. Some might say the exception is for Sister Frazier, but that is an entirely different cast.

        1. Her husband was a pastor and when he died, she was left with nothing.

        2. It is always right to help missionaries, pastors, and other Christian workers out of the church treasury.

        3. The only regret I have about IBC helping Sister Frazier is that we made the motion to help her until she received her deserved veterans benefits.

        4. Looking back, I think it would have been better to help her a month at a time.

        5. Not that I believed it was cheaper or we would not obligate ourselves or anything like that.

        6. I believe it would have been better to help her a month at a time, because at least once a month we would be reminded to pray for her and her financial condition.

        7. As it is, we could vote one time, then forget about the matter entirely.

      4. See I Timothy 5 for who the church should scripturally support.

        1. If any person wants to help others financially, let them help out of their own pockets, as they will soon get tired of helping those that will not help themselves.

        2. It is easy to give that which we have already given (to God, as tithes and offerings), but it is detrimental to those continually receiving our financial help.

    4. Proverbs 6:3-5 – What do you need to do if you are a surety for someone.

      1. It would be very good to get out of the suretiship.

        1. It makes no difference if the debt is not now due.

        2. It will soon become due, and the creditors may soon come to your door seeking defaulted payment.

      2. Go to your friend and humbly ask to be removed as surety.

        1. This is not the time to threaten, but time to appease.

        2. Do everything in your power to appease the creditor and your friend.

        3. Do not sleep, waiting until tomorrow, or until a better day.

    5. God’s instructions for keeping ourselves financially solvent.

      1. Stay out of debt.

        1. The borrower is servant to the lender.

        2. Christ did not go into debt for us, but paid the full price up front.

        3. II Corinthians 7:23 states, Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men.

      2. Remember it is useless to help those who are continually financially strapped.

        1. Poor people are poor because they are poor – they do not know how to take care of their finances.

        2. If they will not listen to your instructions concerning their finances, they will spend any money you give to them their own way.

        3. Never be a surety for more than you are able and willing to pay, because you might have to pay it.

      3. Get out of your suretiship as soon as possible.

        1. Either fulfill the obligation, or nullify the agreement.

        2. Verse 3 - …make sure thy friend or retain the friendship by removing the suretiship.

        3. It is much better to humble yourself in weakness than to retain the suretiship and lose what God has given to you.

    6. It is no accident that Proverbs 6:6-11 follows.

      1. Often, people who are always short of money, spend too much money.

      2. The other day on the radio, a lady called in about her recently divorced son, who they were helping financially.

        1. The radio talk show host asked the lady how much they were helping financially, but the lady would not say, even though she was asked a couple of times.

        2. Her denial finally revealed they were helping about $1,000.00 a month.

        3. The lady continually stated her son wasn’t making enough money to be financially solvent.

        4. I personally believe the real problem was not that he wasn’t making enough money, but that he was spending too much.

  1. Verse 6-11 – Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: {7} Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, {8} Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest. {9} How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep? {10} Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: {11} So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man.

    1. There is no contradiction between Matthew 6:34 and Proverbs 6:6-11.

      1. There is nothing wrong with providing for old age, or a time when work is no possible.

        1. There is something wrong with being overly concerned or anxious about it.

        2. There is something wrong in desiring a time when you will stop working.

        3. Work is a part of the curse, therefore it is good for all people to continue working as long as they are physically able.

        4. If you do not like you job, it would be good to find a job you do like.

      2. It is impossible to provide for every eventuality.

        1. God never said we should provide for every eventuality, but he did command us to trust him for every eventuality.

        2. We should always do as God expects us to do, but understand that sometimes God hides circumstances from us, so we will remember he is still our God.

        3. God gave Adam and his wife the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, not because the tree was bad, or because God is bad, but as a constant reminder that God is their God.

      3. Do not say, I will get all my material and physical affairs in order, then I will serve the Lord.

        1. That is not what God commanded Adam and Eve.

        2. Adam and Eve believed what God told them about the coming redeemer, then received the curse of God upon themselves, and willingly yielded themselves to God’s will.

    2. The ant.

      1. The ant has been famous in all ages for its social habits, foresight, economy and industry.

      2. Collecting their food at the proper seasons, they bite off the ends of the grain to prevent it from germinating, and lay it up in cells till needed.

    3. Lessons from the animals.

      1. Job 12:7 - But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee:

      2. Job 12:8 - Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee.

      3. Isaiah 1:3 - The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master’s crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider.

      4. Matthew 6:26 - Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

    4. Some lessons about slothfulness.

      1. Proverbs 10:26 - As vinegar to the teeth, and as smoke to the eyes, so is the sluggard to them that send him.

      2. Proverbs 13:4 - The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.

      3. Proverbs 15:19 - The way of the slothful man is as an hedge of thorns: but the way of the righteous is made plain.

      4. Proverbs 18:9 - He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster.

      5. Proverbs 19:15 - Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep; and an idle soul shall suffer hunger.

      6. Proverbs 19:24 - A slothful man hideth his hand in his bosom, and will not so much as bring it to his mouth again.

      7. Proverbs 20:4 - The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing.

      8. Proverbs 21:25 - The desire of the slothful killeth him; for his hands refuse to labour.

      9. Proverbs 22:13 - The slothful man saith, There is a lion without, I shall be slain in the streets.

      10. Proverbs 24:30-34 - I went by the field of the slothful, and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding; 31 And, lo, it was all grown over with thorns, and nettles had covered the face thereof, and the stone wall thereof was broken down. 32 Then I saw, and considered it well: I looked upon it, and received instruction. 33 Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: 34 So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth; and thy want as an armed man.

      11. Proverbs 26:13-15 - The slothful man saith, There is a lion in the way; a lion is in the streets. 14 As the door turneth upon his hinges, so doth the slothful upon his bed. 15 The slothful hideth his hand in his bosom; it grieveth him to bring it again to his mouth.

  1. Verse 12-15 – The character and end of wicked people.

    1. Verse 12 – A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward mouth.

      1. It doesn’t sound very bad to us to say a person is “naughty”, but to God it is a terrible thing.

        1. According to verse 12, a naughty person is also a wicked person.

        2. The word “naughty” refers to a follower of Belial.

          1. This is a person who is lawless, because he is a law unto himself.

          2. This person is no good for God or man, for he only thinks of himself.

        3. Examples of followers of Belial, emphasizing their wickedness of heart.

          1. Judges 19:22 – During the early years of the judges, certain sons of Belial, certainly they were sodomites, desired to “know” the Levite who was staying overnight in a home in Gibeah of the tribe of Benjamin. Because the Benjamites would not turn the sons of Belial over for judgment, the tribe was practically destroyed, only to be rebuilt by the other tribes of Israel.

          2. I Samuel 1:16 – Hannah gives us the character of the daughters of Belial by stating she was not drunk, but silently praying to God for encouragement.

          3. I Samuel 2:12 – The Bible describes the sons of Eli, who were disciples of Belial, therefore not saved.

          4. I Samuel 25:25 – Abigail told David not to consider her husband, Nabal, because he was a follower of Belial, and was, as his name described – folly is with him.

          5. II Samuel 20:1 – Sheba, a man of Belial, convinced Israel to follow him instead of David when David returned to Jerusalem following Absalom’s coup.

          6. II Corinthians 6:15 – And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

        4. The naughty or wicked people are the forerunners of the chief naughty or wicked one, the anti-Christ, which as revealed in:

          1. II Thessalonians 2:3 – Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

          2. II Thessalonians 2:8 – And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

      2. Both the naughty person and the anti-Christ speak with one voice – and that voice is against God and his people.

        1. The word “froward” means distortion, or crookedness.

        2. Therefore the wicked person twists or spins the facts away from the truth toward whatever the prevailing lie is.

        3. The desire of the wicked is to deceive all who will listen.

          1. They will call abortion, which is the murder of the unborn, the right of the mother to privacy.

          2. They will call homosexuality, which is an abomination to God and man, an alternate lifestyle.

          3. They will call euthanasia, which is the murder of the so-called “unfit”, dying with dignity.

          4. They will blame God for all the wickedness in this world, never recalling that wickedness is caused by sin and rebellion against God and his laws.

        4. I John 3:18,19 speaks of the forerunners of the final Anti-Christ as many “little” anti-Christ in the form of rebellious people.

          1. These many people are not the final Anti-Christ, but prepare the way for that last and final Anti-Christ.

          2. Revelation 13:5,6 declare, And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. 6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

          3. The reason the Anti-Christ will be accepted when he opens his mouth to blaspheme God is because his forerunners have done such a good job in convincing the world that God is dead, is not relevant to the real world and cannot do anything about the problems the world is facing anyway.

    2. Verse 13 – He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers;

      1. This description has nothing at all to with the person who is teasing, or has sparkling eyes because of joy, or uses his hands to describe and enhance his speech.

        1. Some Godly people use all these characteristics without thinking of deceiving.

        2. They do not deceive with their eyes, their feet, or their hands.

      2. The things we can see is the result of a wicked heart, described in verse 14.

      3. Here are the physical characteristics of the wicked person.

        1. The eyes.

          1. There is a deceitful wink or sneer at their friends while they speak to another who does not understand.

          2. There is a secret design they are silently passing on to those that understand their “language”.

          3. This is not teasing, but intended deception.

          4. They have no intention of helping or causing knowledge to increase.

          5. Their wink retains the secret among the select group, excluding all others.

        2. The feet.

          1. It might be said that feet have no speech, but that is not what the Bible declares.

          2. The stamping of the feet speaks of rage.

          3. The secret touch of the foot against another could give a hint of acknowledgment or encouragement to continue the deception, or direct another individual to be silent, or speak or do whatever was previously agreed.

        3. The fingers.

          1. The secret movement of the fingers give information not stated orally.

          2. Baseball plays have secret hand movements that have nothing at all to do with the verses before us, but do teach us the principle of “secret fingers”.

          3. A mime uses hand, body and facial expressions to get across their point – but not oral language, but mimes have nothing to do with these verses, although they do teach the principle of the verses.

          4. The stretching and clinching of the fingers into a fist reveals tension, rage, or uncertainty.

          5. The Masonic order has secret handshakes and other secret ways they transfer information to those “in the know”.

          6. Scriptures showing some would rather die with a lie than live with the truth.

            1. II Thessalonians 2:10 – And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

            2. Revelation 13:11 – And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

    3. Verse 14 – Frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord.

      1. The reason the wicked winks with his eyes, speaks with his feet, and teaches with his fingers is because his heart desires to deceive the simple – those that have not asked God for his wisdom.

        1. Matthew 15:19 – For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:

          1. The context of this passage is the Pharisees believed Jesus was defiled because he ate with unwashed hands.

          2. Jesus told them washing with unwashed hands did not defile a person.

          3. It is what comes out of the heart that defiles a man, not failing to wash his hands before he eats.

        2. Proverbs 23:7 states, For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.

          1. The context of the passage reveals that true believers need to be well aware of the difference between what the wicked says and what is in his heart, which he will soon do, as opportunity presents itself.

          2. Verse 6 instructs the righteous to not partake of the dainties of the wicked, for he will use our participation as a wedge to destroy us.

        3. Isaiah 10:7 – God used the deceitfulness of the Assyrians to destroy Israel and Samaria because they had rejected the truth of God.

          1. God sent prophets to Israel and Samaria to reveal to them what God desired of them, but they would not listen.

          2. Therefore God sent chastisement in the form of the deceitful Assyrians.

          3. God allowed Israel and Samaria to be deceived because they did not like the truth the prophets preached to them.

      2. The wicked continually devise mischief.

        1. The word “devise” means to plough, as in preparation for future planting.

        2. The word “mischief” means wickedness, hurt, trouble, and affliction.

          1. This word “mischief” has nothing to do with playfully teasing.

          2. Both parties are involved in that kind of mischief and both enjoy it.

        3. The thought of the wicked is continually trying to think of some way to get ahead and hurt others.

          1. Gambling is a prime example.

            1. The gambler thinks he shall gain from the loss of others.

            2. There is seldom a thought about all the people that had to lose so the one could gain.

            3. The gambler seldom thinks of all he loses before he ever gains anything.

          2. It is said we live in a “dog eat dog” world, which indicates every person is looking out for “number one”, and nobody is looking out for the other person.

      3. The wicked continually sow discord.

        1. The wicked is happiest when his neighbors are unhappy and are feuding about something.

        2. It is likely the meaning here is more that the wicked are causing disagreement between God and man, not just between neighbors.

    4. Verse 15 – Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy.

      1. His calamity, as the calamity of the Anti-Christ he is forerunner to, shall come suddenly.

        1. The sudden destruction of the Anti-Christ and his kingdom will come suddenly, but it will not come without ample warning.

          1. II Chronicles 36:16 – But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words, and misused his prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against his people, till there was no remedy. God wanted the nation of Judah over and over, but finally there was no place to repent.

          2. God has warned individuals over and over again, sending literally hundreds of thousands of prophets, preachers, and saints to speak God’s truth to those that need salvation.

          3. God warns nations over and over again by using circumstances, plagues, wars, rumors of wars, prophets, and preachers.

          4. God never eternally destroys without warning, even though the destruction comes suddenly.

        2. The destruction of the Anti-Christ shall come suddenly because God’s continual warnings are not believed.

          1. 1 Thessalonians 5:3 – For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

          2. Revelation 18:7,8 – How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. 8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.

          3. Revelation 18:10 – Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.

        3. The wicked will fall into their own pit.

          1. The wicked think harm shall never come to them, but will always come to others, especially those he has devised evil against.

          2. Proverbs 26:27 – Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.

          3. Psalms 7:15 – David prays to God, who is his ever present help in time of need, to deliver him from the one who has dug a pit for him. In verse 15, David praises God that the wicked has fallen into the pit he dug.

          4. Proverbs 28:10 – Whoso causeth the righteous to go astray in an evil way, he shall fall himself into his own pit: but the upright shall have good things in possession.

      2. There is no remedy.

        1. There is no second chance for salvation after death.

          1. There is no Biblical record of any person being saved once they die and go to hell.

          2. Proverbs 29:1 – He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.

        2. Daniel 11:45 describes the end of the Anti-Christ - And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.

          1. God gives the people in the Anti-Christ kingdom ample time to turn from their wickedness, but most will not repent.

          2. II Corinthians 6:17 – Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

          3. Revelation 18:18 – God pleads with his people ...Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

  1. Verse 16-19 – These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

    1. Solomon is not saying that six things God hates, then when the seventh is added, that makes those seven things an abomination.

      1. Solomon is not saying that the first six are things God hates, then the seventh is an abomination to Him.

      2. All of these things are an abomination to Him.

      3. This is simply a list of seven things which God hates, all of which are an abomination to Him.

      4. There is no doubt that all of us are guilty of all of these things.

      5. This shows that grace is necessary for our lives because without it, we are unworthy to appear before God at all.

      6. We must all be careful to recognize the things men do that are against God, but remember to pray for their eternal souls, for God is very able to quicken them, as he quickened us.

      7. Because God hates these seven things gives us a good example that we should also hate them, not only in others, but in ourselves as well, being very careful to not hate the person that commits the abominations.

      8. God hates these sins in particular because these sins are characteristic of the Anti-Christ.

    2. God hates all sin.

      1. Some sins are particularity hated by God because of the evil result upon others.

      2. These sins are harmful to the comfort and well being of all the creation, therefore they are separated from other sins as being an abomination to God.

      3. Men who refuse to worship God are the ones who will be more likely to have these sins, but believers can fall from their own stedfastness and be guilty of these sins.

      4. Linking verse 15 and 16 together reveals that wicked people who commit these seven abominations will fall suddenly and without remedy.

    3. These verses state the things God hates, not the people God hates.

      1. Romans 9:13 states, As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.

        1. This verse does not mean that God hated everything Esau did or that it was impossible for Esau to be saved.

        2. According to the context of Romans 9:13, Paul strongly indicates that God chose Jacob over Esau, not because of anything either of them had done or not done.

        3. God chose Jacob because it pleased him to chose him – period.

      2. It is interesting to compare Proverbs 6:6-11 to Proverbs 6:16-19.

        1. Verses 6-11 gives a strong warning to not keep company with the person that is lazy and will not do his share.

        2. Verse 19-19 gives another strong warning to beware of those people who are not lazy, but refuse to do as God commands.

      3. All of these seven things God hates is first found in Satan, then is his followers, and sometimes in believers.

    4. Verse 17,

      1. A proud look.

        1. I believe Satan showed a proud look when he “eyed” the throne of God as his own.

          1. Isaiah 14:13-14 records 5 “I wills” of Satan.

          2. He desired to have more than God righteously gave him.

          3. When we want more than God righteously gives us, we also have a proud look.

        2. James 4:6 - …God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace to the humble.

          1. Pride is haughtiness, conceitedness of ourselves, and contempt of others.

          2. Pride is the root cause of much sin, and reveals wicked thoughts of self-presumption.

          3. God sees pride in the heart, as we should see pride in our heart.

          4. We must confess our false pride to God, and humble ourselves a most holy God.

        3. We must be careful in diagnosing pride in others.

          1. Sometimes what we consider pride or arrogance is bashfulness.

          2. Sometimes the outward actions of others do not relate what is in their heart or mind.

      2. Lying tongue.

        1. A lying tongue is falsehood, defraud, and dissimulation.

        2. The anti-Christ and Satan (and all of his lies) is contrasted with Christ (and all his truth).

        3. Satan and the Anti-Christ (and all of his lies).

          1. John 8:44 - Satan is a liar and the father of lies. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

          2. I John 2:22 - Liar denies father and son. Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

        4. Christ (and all his truth)

          1. Nothing is more sacred to God than truth, and he is all truth.

          2. John 1:17 – For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

          3. Romans 15:8 – Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers:

      3. Shed innocent blood.

        1. God hates the shedding of innocent blood because it points to Satan and his Anti-Christ.

          1. Even though men shed innocent blood, they can never blame it on the devil.

          2. Men shed innocent blood because of their own willful act in yielding to the desires of Satan.

          3. God will hold those guilty who shed innocent blood.

        2. Note the words “innocent blood”.

          1. Exodus 20 - One of the ten commandments is Thou shalt not kill.

            1. This word “kill” means murder.

            2. It is not wrong for governments to kill as capital punishment, or to kill in war, or for an individual to kill in self defense.

            3. God often gave Israel commandments to kill their enemies in war, or gave instructions to the government to kill people who had committed certain crimes.

          2. While it is always wrong to shed innocent blood, God has given authority to governments to shed the blood of the guilty.

        3. John 8:44 - Satan is a murderer from the beginning. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

          1. From the very beginning, Satan was a liar and a murderer.

          2. He lied to the woman in the Garden of Eden, promising her a knowledge of good and evil, but not revealing to her the true meaning of that knowledge.

          3. Satan was behind the murder of Abel, instilling in Cain’s already wicked heart jealously because his offering was not accepted by God.

          4. Think of all the innocent blood that has been shed because of lies and murder.

        4. Revelation 17:6 - Pagan Babylon is drunk with the blood of the saints. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

          1. All the murder of all the ages culminates in this final act of murder by Pagan Babylon.

          2. All the murder of all the ages points toward this final wicked act of the destruction of the saints of God.

    5. Verse 18,

      1. Wicked imaginations.

        1. Wicked imaginations can be defined as:

          1. Subtlety in the contrivance of sin.

          2. Wisdom to do evil

          3. A heart that designs and a head that devises wicked imaginations.

        2. This is hated by God because of the time and effort put into deception.

          1. There is a constant study as to how to sin in “better and better ways”.

          2. There is an earthly wisdom in sinning and in getting others to sin.

          3. There is a blackened heart full of sin and hatred of God and his ways that directs the mind toward wicked inventions.

        3. Any time people leave the Word of God, or reject the Word of God, they will follow the wicked imaginations of their own heart.

          1. Genesis 6:5 - The people in Noah's days had wicked imaginations in their heart, which lead to wicked acts, which were condemned by God.

          2. Proverbs 6:14 - Frowardness of the heart causes a devising of mischief continually, which leads to sowing discord.

      2. Feet that are swift to run to mischief.

        1. The progression of wickedness turns from a wicked imagination to feet that are swift to run to mischief.

          1. There is little time between the wicked imagination devising sin and putting the wicked plan into action.

          2. This shows that the wicked do not want to wait any time at all to think about the consequences of their actions.

          3. Frankly, they doubt there will be any consequences of their wickedness, as they enjoy their sin so much.

          4. Proverbs 1:16 warns his son to stay away from wicked people, stating, For their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood.

        2. Compare the swiftness of feet to run to mischief to the slothfulness often expressed by believers.

          1. Many believers know what they ought to do, but often put it off for a “better” time.

          2. We use many excuses along with “busy” activities to soothe our conscience

      3. Verse 19,

        1. False witness.

          1. This false witness is like lying, which is in verse 17.

          2. The double use of this trait reveals the double hatred of God for this abomination.

          3. Being a false witness is worse than lying because it is made with an oath, as in a court.

            1. In these situations the outcome of the court may depend on “he said, she said”.

            2. There is little defense against a false witness.

        2. Sowing discord among the brethren.

          1. God loves agreement, but Satan loves disagreement.

          2. Those that are happiest sowing discord are lovers of Satan and his ways.

  1. Verse 20-35 – My son, keep thy father's commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother: Fathers commandments, and law of mother. {21} Bind them continually upon thine heart, and tie them about thy neck. {22} When thou goest, it shall lead thee; when thou sleepest, it shall keep thee; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee. {23} For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life: {24} To keep thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman. {25} Lust not after her beauty in thine heart; neither let her take thee with her eyelids. {26} For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life. {27} Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned? {28} Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned? {29} So he that goeth in to his neighbour's wife; whosoever toucheth her shall not be innocent. {30} Men do not despise a thief, if he steal to satisfy his soul when he is hungry; {31} But if he be found, he shall restore sevenfold; he shall give all the substance of his house. {32} But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul. {33} A wound and dishonour shall he get; and his reproach shall not be wiped away. {34} For jealousy is the rage of a man: therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance. {35} He will not regard any ransom; neither will he rest content, though thou givest many gifts

    1. Verse 20-24 – The duty of children to keep the law of God.

      1. Parents are supposed to instruct their children, but it is wisdom that will lead them, not the parents.

        1. A lot of parents let their children tell them what to do.

          1. A lot of television programs show that the children are smarter than their parents.

          2. This is not right in the sight of God.

        2. Ephesians 6:4 states, And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

          1. If parents would lead their children in God's ways, they would be kept from the wrath of God.

          2. Teaching is the responsibility of parents, but binding is the responsibility of the child.

          3. It is the parents responsibility to teach the child correctly, but a parent cannot put the truth in a child's heart.

          4. Each child must be willing to accept that truth.

      2. Verse 20 – The fathers commandment, and the law of the mother.

        1. Definitions.

          1. Commandment means a precept or an ordinance.

          2. Law is direction or instruction.

          3. The difference is that dad lays enforces the laws God has already established, and mom teaches the way the laws of God are obeyed.

        2. It is as important for sons to obey the father as it is for them to obey their mother.

        3. The commandment and the law is actually the commandment and law of God, but it is our parents who direct us toward that commandment and law.

          1. It is not the duty of schools, government, or society to direct our children toward the laws of God.

          2. Parents today have generally forsaken their family duties, leaving it up to society in general to teach children, and they have miserably failed.

        4. Children should obey the commandment and law of God, not just because it is God’s commandments, but also because our parents first presented those commandments and laws to us.

      3. Verse 21 – Bind them upon thine heart.

        1. Note: the heart should be bound with the truth of God, make (force) the heart conform to holiness.

          1. The heart left to itself will drive any person to destruction, therefore it is good for the heart to be controlled by the Word of God.

          2. Jeremiah 17:9 - The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

            1. The heart is so desperately wicked no person can factually determine the source of its feelings, or what the heart will desire to do next.

            2. Even the heart of the believer will deceive them, but the Word of God will never deceive.

        2. Deuteronomy 6:8, God commanded Israel to bind the word of God on their hands.

          1. If the Word of God is only on our hand, it will make us like the Pharisees, who cleaned up the outside of the cup and platter, but the inside was full of dead men’s bones.

          2. Deuteronomy 6:4-7 does not mean that the word of God should only be on the hand, but the context of the passage reveals the word of God must be in the heart for the word on the hand to be effective.

        3. The Bible didn't say to bind Godly wisdom on the body or on the mind.

          1. It is possible to bind truth on the mind, thus forcing the body into subjection, but the heart is far from obeying.

          2. The story is told of the little boy who was punished by sitting in a corner.

            1. He told his mother he was sitting on the outside, but standing on the inside.

            2. He was not obeying in the heart, but in the letter of the law of his mother.

        4. Continually.

          1. Over and over and over and over again.

          2. This is the way life is.

          3. There must be a constant renewing of the truth, for the world is completely full of wickedness.

          4. If the truth is not constantly renewed in us, error will soon take over.

        5. Tie them upon thy neck.

          1. To obey parental instructions in the heart is hidden from public view, except for external obedience in the body.

          2. To tie these commandments on our neck is a public display of our hearts desire to obey our parents in that which is right.

          3. Young people often have the desire to walk a narrow "ledge" between obeying their parents and doing that which is approved by their worldly "friends".

          4. This is a terrible trap which causes many young people to deny their acquaintance with Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and savior.

          5. These same young people are right when they expect their parents to be Christians at home, at work, at play, or wherever else they happen to go.

          6. It is good to apply the same standard to all: parents and children alike.

      4. Verse 22 – When thou goest, it shall lead thee.

        1. The “go” means to go anywhere without the parents.

          1. They might go to town by themselves to get something for their parents.

          2. They might go to school, or a school activity by themselves.

          3. They might go away from home, starting a life of their own.

          4. In all of these things, the perfect instruction of Godly parents will help the child lead a good life.

          5. There is coming a time when a young person must stand up for right all by themselves.

        2. When thou sleepest, it shall keep thee.

          1. The meaning is that when you follow right commands of parents, that sleep will be sweet, and filled with safety from God.

          2. The meaning is not that we will avoid nightmares or wicked dreams, which is an unconscious part of our being.

          3. There will be no regrets at the close of day, or no overmuch sorrow because of wicked acts.

          4. There will be an honesty of that days activities as the day closes and rest comes to the body.

        3. When thou awakest, it shall talk with thee.

          1. The meaning is that when you are awake, and see a situation, a verse of scripture will come to your mind, telling you that situation is right or that that situation is wrong.

          2. Proverbs 9:1 states, Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars.

        4. Psalms 2:1 states, But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

          1. If we would all meditate on the things of God when we are awake and dream of them when we are asleep, how much more pleasant we would be.

          2. This meditation is not work, but is very pleasant and a source of constant delight.

      5. Verse 23.

        1. The word “for” means “because” or “by reason of”.

        2. When a person is by themselves, having to have discernment only by themselves, they will be able to tell the truth from a lie because of the Word of God.

          1. The commandment (the fact established by God) is a lamp, meaning the commandment of God gives understanding concerning whether a thing is right or wrong.

          2. The law (the proper action established by God) is light, meaning the law of God teaches how to avoid the wrong and participate in the right.

        3. Proofs of instructions are a way of life for the believer.

          1. If we pay any attention to the law of God, it will continually point out areas in our life that needs to be changed.

          2. The continual changes are not bad, but good.

            1. Not only because we need to change for the better, but also because we are close enough to the light of God to see that we need to change.

            2. People that never see they need to change are sad because they are not close to God, his word or his understanding.

          3. Listening and heeding the reproofs that the law of God gives daily will lead each believer into the way of life.

            1. The path we walk is dark if we do not listen to the reproofs of God from his holy Word.

            2. If we heed the reproofs God gives to each of us through his Word, the path we walk will be light, and we will know we are walking in the way of life.

      6. Verse 24 – The commandments and law of God will do two things: (1) Keep us from the evil woman, and (2) Keep us from the flattery of a strange woman.

        1. Remember the definition of a strange woman in Proverbs 5:3.

          1. The strange woman is not an odd woman, or a woman we do not know.

          2. The strange woman is a stranger to God and his principles.

        2. A great blessing of God is that keeping his commandments and laws protects us from evil.

          1. There are many terrible consequences of sin we can avoid by simply obeying the commandments of God.

          2. It is terrible today how many people believe it is wrong to keep the law of God.

          3. It is terrible today how many “religious” people teach it is against grace to keep the law of God.

          4. Many thousands of people face the daily ruinous results of failing to learn, remember and practice the law of God.

        3. It is important to say again that the evil woman is not necessarily a human, but any form of strange worship.

          1. One of the greatest favors we can give ourselves is to stay as far away as possible from evil people and the worship of false gods.

          2. Often, the strongest Christian is beguiled by the slow progression toward the vilest sin and wickedness.

        4. Keep us from the evil woman.

          1. This part has to do with keeping us from the person of the evil woman.

          2. The mental image in our minds of the evil woman can do much damage to our remembrance of holy worship.

        5. Keep us from the flattery of a strange woman.

          1. This part has to do with keeping us from the enticing words of an evil woman.

          2. The memory of the enticing words of evil can haunt us even when we are in worship services.

    1. Verse 25-35 – The result of not keeping the law of God.

      1. Verse 25,26 – Inward lusts lead to outward destruction.

        1. It is foolish to declare “The devil made me do it!”

          1. Our sins are not Satan’s fault, we sin because we follow the desires of our sinful natures.

          2. James 1:13-16 - Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: 14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. 15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. 16 Do not err, my beloved brethren.

        2. The appeal of sin.

          1. There is no doubt sin is beautiful (and very appealing) to the natural man.

          2. Wicked women often paint themselves very beautifully to disguise the ugliness of their hearts.

          3. There is a look in the eye of the wicked that conceals the wickedness of the heart.

      2. Verse 27-35 – Sure destruction comes with sinful actions.

        1. Verse 27-29 – Practical physical observations that prove the judgment of God upon wickedness.

          1. It makes as much sense to say, “I will take fire into my bosom and not be burned, or walk on coals of fire and not be burned”, as it does to say, “I will commit adultery and not pay the consequences.”

          2. Fire burns more than that which is lit.

            1. Many believe secret sin will avoid the judgment, but secret sin results in outward changes.

            2. The bosom refers to the inward soul of man, which is burned by the fire of adultery and fornication.

            3. As always, what happens in the inward soul is revealed in the outward flesh.

          3. Sin causes future movement to cease, or be very painful.

            1. Many believe inward or secret sin is not revealed, but the pain inflicted by walking on hot coals is revealed in an increased and awkward gait.

            2. The whole body is affected by burned feet, because the mind believed there would be no damage to the feet.

          4. The one who goes into his neighbor’s wife is guilty.

            1. Just as fire burns more than the secret inner parts, but explodes to the clothing, and as the feet are burned when walking on hot coals, so is the adulterer guilty.

            2. The one who entices to sin is not a stranger, but could be a friend, the person next door.

            3. Wickedness is often found next door, not across town, or in the next town, or in some far-a-way place.

        2. Verse 30-35 – Comparison between two crimes. All crimes have a penalty.

          1. Verse 30-31 – Some allowance is made for a hungry man, but he must still give restitution.

            1. Men are able to understand and forgive some sins, even sins against themselves and society, but the thief still must give restitution as required by the law of God.

            2. Exodus 22:1-4 declares that the thief should give restitution of four or five times what he took if he stole that which was used to produce a living, but only two times of that which was not used to make a living.

            3. II Samuel 12:6 – This law was confirmed by David to Nathan concerning the story he told David to bring conviction concerning Bathsheba.

            4. The Jews seemed to believe that is the law of God required a four or five fold restitution for that taken from the fields, it was reasonable to require a seven fold restitution for that which was taken from the house.

            5. In some cases it may be necessary for the thief to give all he has as restitution.

              1. If it takes all the earthly possessions of the thief to make restitution, that is still required.

              2. There is no diminishing of his responsibility to make restitution just because of his inability to pay restitution.

          2. Verse 32-35 – It is impossible to give restitution for some crimes.

            1. In Job 31:11, Job declares that adultery is such a hideous crime it should be brought before the judges.

              1. In the beginning of our country, adultery and other sexual sins were against the law, and should be brought before the courts of the land.

              2. In this “modern” day, it is said that laws were never meant to be involved in the private lives of the citizens, but that argument flies in the face of the laws that were made.

              3. It is a shame that men today do no consider that adultery and other sexual sins are a crime that needs to be cleansed from the land.

            2. There are four things said about the man who commits adultery.

              1. He lacks understanding.

                1. His lack of obtaining and applying Godly wisdom will be apparent in his life.

                2. Even if he commits the sin in ignorance, he must still suffer the consequences because he did not obtain and apply Godly wisdom.

              2. He destroys his own soul.

                1. He thinks he is gaining, just as the wife of Adam believed she was gaining by accepting the forbidden fruit, but the end is ruin, destruction, misery, and regret.

                2. There is no doubt the woman also destroys her own soul, but in these verses, the emphasis is toward the son.

                3. Lost sinners go to hell because they refuse to admit their own sinfulness to Jesus Christ who is willing and waiting to forgive them and save them.

                4. There is no lacking on the part of God for their salvation, the fault of their continuing in sin is entirely the fault of the sinner.

              3. He receives wounds and dishonour at his own hand.

                1. The end result is nothing as imagined.

                2. The adultery was supposed to be afterward satisfying, but the results is a most horrible and inescapable experience.

                3. It is not at the hand of another stronger than he, but the weakness of his own deceptions give permanent injury.

              4. His reproach will never be wiped away or forgotten.

                1. Adultery is something that is never forgotten, even in death.

                2. People might remember a repentant heart, but they will also, always, remember the sin that caused the repentant heart.

                3. Everybody knows David repented of his adultery with Bathsheba, but anytime David is mentioned as a man after God’s own heart, it is almost universally mentioned that he committed adultery with Bathsheba.

                4. Many people believe adultery before salvation is not recognized by God, but it is, and the consequences of that sin will be realized.

            3. Verse 34,35 – The other man.

              1. The other man could be a father, or a husband.

              2. It is foolish to believe that the adultery would be undiscovered.

              3. The repentance of the adulterer will not be recognized by “the other man”.

                1. See the words “rage”, “day of vengeance”, “not regard any ransom”, “neither will he rest content”, “many gifts”.

                2. All these words describe the severity of the jealousy that will inflict as much pain as possible on the adulterer.

                3. I believe the jealously will be against both individuals in the adultery.

              4. Not only will “the other man” feel vengeance against the adulterer, he will also feel a great shame and lacking in himself to satisfy his marriage partner.